What I read in books (3.30.12)

This week I have been reading a lot.  I’ve been spending a lot more time reading than watching TV and it has greatly blessed me.

Here is what I finished this week and my thoughts on those books:

The Collaborative Habit – Twyla Tharp
Twyla Tharp is one of my favorite authors on creativity and this one did not disappoint. Her writing is so eloquent and contagious and just draws me in with its passion. I don’t even appreciate her area of passion (dancing) and I am just enthralled by her stories of success and failure.
This is a must book for anyone wanting to know how to work creatively with others. Building off her first book, The Creative Habit, this one moves into the world of collaboration. Great read. 4 out of 5.

The Automatic Millionaire – David Bach
This book has been really fun to read.  A book on money being fun?  Yes, you read that correctly.  Vickie and I have been growing in our finances and I have always heard about this book but have yet to read it.  This one is actually a great read.  Very informative and has a ton of links to research even more.
All in all, this book is a re-wording of Dave Ramsey’s financing books (which I read first) with more of an emphasis on making everything automatic and therefore, less painful and less wavering on our part.  He also puts a lot of emphasis on Paying Yourself First which is good.  Great book.  4 out of 5.

The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins
I picked this book up again because of the movie that just came out.  The movie actually follows the book really well and did a great job of bringing what I thought to life.  It was good for me.
The book has always fascinated me and I am loving it even more the second time through and I’m moving a lot faster through it.  I am going to keep moving through the trilogy and hopefully finish it this time.  Then I might pick up Lord of the Flies and the Giver to compare.  Then maybe my next tackle in fiction will be Stephen King’s Dark Tower series.  4 out of 5.

Here are some of the other books I have been reading this week but have yet to finish:

Art & Fear – David Bayles & Ted Orland
Resolution for Men – Stephen Kendrick
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra
The Four Hour Body – Timothy Ferris

What have you been reading this week?

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